Thursday, 12 May 2005

Wednesday waffle

I hope some of you struggled across to that blog from Zimbabwe. We seem to miss out on news of what is happening in that country if it is not the hackneyed old ‘white man thrown off farm’. The Big Bwana keeps a firm grip on what is reported and it must take quite a bit of courage for any resident to talk to outside journalists. What came across to me as I read this story was the almost mirror-image of what we were told about Saddam. What price regime change here then – very little is heard Mr B Liar? His conscience is warm and cuddly on having got us involved in Iraq “because it was the right thing to do”. I appreciate that we can no longer gunboat around the world setting things to rights but the very existence of that country is down to our interference in the first place. We insisted on NIBMAR which was acronym for No Independence Before Majority African Rule. I seem to remember that Jack Straw and Peter Hain were active in insisting on NIBMAR back when they ran RentaMob campaigns. As Alf Garnett would say, ‘It’s your bleeding Harold bloody Wilson ain’t it’

I came across a valley yesterday that was filled with the yellow blooms of gorse. Both sides and the head were covered with it. I don’t know if it was a trick of the light but it seemed to glow fluorescently. Looked like the fields where they dry saffron which has the same sort of luminosity. I bet the landowner would prefer the saffron as a cash crop.

The biter has been bit. I’ve just had a call from Northern Ireland to set up an interview with police officers who are raking through all the cold cases way back to the very beginning. Another initiative so that we can spend large sums pacifying nationalists and a few loyalists over events that happened over 35 years ago. Doubtless, if he survives our rampant leader will do his I/We/The government bit so he can apologise. At the moment I do not know if they will include anything regarding the deaths of soldiers in that same period. The thoroughness (lack of) with which they dealt with the six military policemen murdered in Iraq does not inspire me to think those guys will get anything better. I’m not concerned at the new development – there is nothing at which I should be. Looking on the bright side, we’ll eat steaks, drink beer and have some good old copper-type nattering.

That bit above about rampant leader set me off down that track again. My ghast was so flabbered at their revelation of congress chez Blair that I had overlooked something which makes the whole thing even more sordid. Their ‘Hello’ magazine moment followed closely upon Mrs. Bush getting a bit raunchy in public. Anything you can do etc. from Thunder Thighs and the guitarist. Sick Sick Sick. I do not want to know that. What price now John Major and his take-away Curry?


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