Sunday, 5 February 2006

My new toy

Sad really but this has acquired the status of new toy. Yes; that's right. £20 worth of torch. What a come down - me who specialises in shiny things that normally cost a rajah's ransom in terms of £ per ounce or inch.
It is the Maglite model that takes 2 D size batteries so is just a nice size and heft. It is meant for use in my bedroom so that when I wake at night wanting a drink or need to take tablets - or just cannot sleep - it is there to illuminate the scene but is not so dramatic as to light the whole room and bring me fully to my senses. It is very tactile, the smooth bits are very smooth and the knurled bits have a proper bite. Everything fits properly so that as well as being correctly designed in terms of proportions and shape it has been produced to close engineering tolerances. The colour is another thing I find pleasing; the blue has just the right depth. It really demands fondling. The urge to hold it, press the on/off switch, swing the beam about or adjust it from spot to flood is almost beyond resistance. I sat for about twenty minutes in the dark last night just playing with it.
If there were some sort of nomination right now for an item being an icon of somethingh or other, I would recommend this torch.

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