Sunday, 27 August 2006

In lieu of blogging

During my enforced absence from the blogging action I sustained myself with trying some creative writing. There are many resources that will assist in this – mainly classes at night school or directed learning by post. I did not think I wanted to go down these routes. After all, I’d written police reports for years, drawn up business proposals and handled complicated business correspondence. My vocabulary seemed adequate.

I chose to write about a group of women Quilters. This is a sub-class of posh ladies who gather together and make quilts. They contain the sort of female that one might find at a Womens’ Institute. For American readers, think Junior League members.
I had an insight into their world as my wife is a Quilter and assiduous attendant at the gatherings of a local coven as well as travelling on visits to other Ladies Who Quilt.
My unique selling point however, was to write about a Quilt group as a gathering of lesbians. The meetings were a cover for their conduct. I saw their association and friendships as the sisterly representation of the lesbian ethos. No nasty physical stuff really. I quite enjoyed drawing up the plot list and characters I thought would be involved. We showed the early work to a selected few whom we thought might see the joke and it went down well. I’m going to continue and might even get into publishing it. It has struck me that the gay boys Brotherhood has penetrated (if I may use that word) the TV soap world but so far no one has chanced their arm with lesbian themes so there might be some interest there.


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