Friday, 10 March 2006

The cat in the hat

Nice little old lady. However, there are people in this country who are so paranoid - or so far down the jobsworth road - that they have to subject her to detailed scrutiny.

The lady in the photograph is a heroine. Aged 82, she was banned from a local pub for refusing to take off her hat. The ban on hats was brought in so that CCTV could get a good look at the usual clientele of baseball-capped hoodie-wearing yobs.

Nobody in authority (Hah!) in the pub could understand that 82-year-old ladies hardly ever smash up pubs or assault staff and other drinkers, so the hat and the lady were declared to be unwelcome.

For her part, the lady stated that she was of an age and generation where a hat was de-rigeur.

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