Sunday, 21 May 2006

Like a clock running down for want of winding

It seems my country is slowly running down. Idiocy and inefficiency lead to situations where even our wooden headed bosses perceive a problem. Then, instead of identifying the root cause why something has stopped working after years of existence, they come up with some - their word - "innovative" way of rejigging things. With the use of much new-speak language - all is wonderful darling. Sort of 'this guy is infectious. Take him away and look after him till he dies. Ah - infection rates have been lowered'. Saves all the bother of what infection and how gained and how cured.

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This could be the shape of things to come in the NHS. One is tempted to say What Nation, What Health and What Service?. I especially like the concept that things can be done at home so why have hospitals for anything other than critical cases? For years I have been making the point that in 3rd World countries mothers give birth in ditches and go straight on with their back-breaking work - so why do we need maternity units? I trust I am away up the Golden Stairs (or down the shitty slide maybe?) before I am left in my unserviced home waiting for a nurse who does not come.

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