Sunday, 2 July 2006

LaLa land comes to London

This comes from a senior police officer.

The 7th July 2005 changed London forever and has brought about a new reality for everyone. It was the first time in London that we have experienced multiple & simultaneous home-grown terrorist attacks that were indiscriminate in nature and resulted in mass fatalities and casualties across all communities.

So as we reach the one year anniversary of the enormous tragedy of the 7th July 2005, it is important to reflect back on the innocent people that died or were injured that day and all the other people and communities that have been affected in the aftermath.

Much will be written over this period about the bombings, policing and the subsequent impact on the Muslim community. As a British Muslim serving as a senior police officer in London, I bring both a personal, professional and community perspective to this debate. Importantly, over the last 12 months, I have had time to reflect on what happened, including the high profile incidents at Stockwell and Forest Gate, and to consider the various reactions and responses.

Article continues.........

I am amazed at this from someone appointed to be a guardian of law and order. His duty is to deal with matters as the law requires. He is entitled to have a personal opinion but it should stay that – personal. His publication of these feelings will be seized by extremists and used to further justify to themselves the twisted thinking they pursue.

Someone better than me at invective has responded

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