Sunday, 5 November 2006

Nice idea

Whilst basic meditation requires that one allow the mind to go blank and see what happens, there are themes for those who have advanced a stage or two. One I found for today is,

"What do you have to do? Pack your bags, Go to the station without them, Catch the train, And leave your self behind. - Open Secret by Wei Wu Wei"

Ah, would that I could. Buddhist version of the soldiers' "Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile" I suppose. Wei's words are meant only as a starter.

Can one get all one's 'things' into a neat package? Just how does one empty oneself so that only the physical departs? Where is the train headed? Johnny Cash had a song about leaving which included the words

"You can give my other suit to the Salvation Army. I'm moving on"

Wei's words indeed but the idea is not wholly his.

I'd like to move on. Footloose. No responsibilities. No bits and baggage.

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