Saturday, 24 March 2007

Quick way out.

Bit of a black dog today I fear. Still, that is with small lower case b and d so it is nothing severe. I was drinking gin last night at wifey's birthday celebration and it seems that my powers of consumption have limited themselves. So, a night full of really severe dreams and a loss of confidence about today. At least I know what is up so that makes dealing with it that much easier.

As for today, I'm taking the easy route out. Read the guest blog - with links - and then imagine me saying "Yeah - that's what I reckon as well" On one front I will amplify. The Iranians want to have an atomic capability. We used to go around Muscat and Oman showing the locals what they would be up against if they took on the British forces. These were called fire power demonstrations. I reckon we need to show Iran what atomic power is really all about. Leave the place in the sort of condition that it matters not what depth their facilities may be below ground. Turn the sand into glass and they won't be able to get down there anyway.

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John's lazy way out of an opinion.

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