Saturday, 2 February 2008

Comfort typing

There is something very relaxing about this blog site. I can just sit down and type. No worries about upsetting people or with political correctness. No searching for a topic. No buzz words to attract the search engines. Just me, the study and this machine. On line radio in the background. Coffee on the desktop.

The fact that no one seems to come here and read things means that I can write it straight as it comes into my mind. The real moving finger syndrome. No editing involved: this can often end up looking better but having changed the whole message of what one meant in the unedited original. One minor aggrevation comes from my impaired short term memory. I have a line in my head and start tapping the keys. I then get to a word that is on the tip of my tongue but is stuck there like a piece of toffee in a hollow tooth. I search and probe around and around but that which was in my head is playing phantoms. Now, I just hit two or three 'x' and go on. The mind then relaxes and releases the word. Just a delay of a couple of minutes and I can clear the 'x' bit.

The other thing newly discovered is day dreaming. I slip into that bit between awake and asleep and immediately have the most vivid and realistic dreams. I think these are known as 'lucid dreams' (Lucid dreams are dreams in which you know at the time that you are dreaming. That they are different from ordinary dreams is obvious as soon as you have one. The experience is something like waking up in your dreams. It is as though you "come to" and find you are dreaming) Initially disc0ncerting but I've learnt to relax and enjoy them. At the moment, it is most often just me and my dog so I am happy to be able to reconnect in this way. We go on walks untroubled by gamekeepers or 'on the leash' limitations. The birds seem to have suicidal tendencies and that is good for both of us.

Old age is something I never expected to see. Total honesty? - I never wanted to see it. I do get annoyed at the problems doing now what was no hinderance at all 15 or 20 years ago. This is just a pride thing I suppose. My reduction in things I do causes no practical problem. What was the point in going straight up steep inclines instead of traversing them in zig zag fashion? Walking 25 or so miles in a day - just an hour's drive. I think I am adjusting to it. Must be - cannot see I would ever have sat down and set down this sort of thing back then.

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