I'm sure that a lot of people looked away or shut their eyes at the televised end of a suicide bomber in Israel. Some of those who did watch will question the police interpretation that he was, although injured, trying to reach the detonation switch for the explosive belt. Extreme Thomas' will query that it was explosive - might it have been a money belt?
Those who saw it or looked back later can no longer doubt the Israeli method of instant execution is part of their anti-terrorist policy. This tracks back to the shooting in London of the Brazilian police were convinced was a bomber going about his business. The man yesterday was badly injured but was still trying for his home run - until that first shot. The officer emptied his weapon and we saw fresh head injuries. The bomber was no further risk. It put a lot of civilians into the position of anti-terrorist forces and might cause a few to reconsider their objections.
"Monkey see - monkey learn" is a security mans' adage. It will not take long before we see the self-detonating terrorist bomber backed up with a remote-controlling colleague. They know this technology well and demonstrated it with the use of the two mentally handicapped women in Iraq. This also encapsulated the terrorists position vis a vis their religious claims. My understanding was that Allah had a special place in his heart for the mentally confused. Were I religious, I would hope there is a special hell reserved for such puppet masters..
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