Thursday, 14 July 2005

Male chauvinist pig

Someone commented that I made a sexist remark. Yeah, well, that sometimes happens. My attitude in this respect has not been critiqued since the good old days when such comments were taken as the sign of a male chauvinist pig. That is some way back now. A supervisor who worked for me was fervent disciple of Gloria Steinem and had studied at her feet. Having been through many debates and discussions with her, I can say that I may not agree with the Movement but I would defend to the death their right to talk about it.
If I were to have serious sexist remark intentions there would be more of this sort of thing

There’s a big plasma screen in this hospital emergency room that’s used as a
tracking board, and the PC it’s attached to is in a nearby closet. An ER nurse
watches as IT pilot fish pulls the mouse through the doorway to adjust the
active window on the screen. “We didn’t know that the mouse cord could stretch that far,” nurse tells fish. “Whenever we want to use the mouse, we’ve used two people -- one moving the mouse blindly, the other yelling ‘right,’ ‘left,’ ‘up’ or ‘down.’ ” Comes from here.

Yes- I know the nurse might have been a male. Still, this is enough explanation from me. Sorry if I 've taken a gentle comment as something that merits all the above and, yes, sometimes I am thin-skinned. "If you prick me, do I not bleed?" as the man said (no insult to those of the Hebrew faith)

Whilst it is own-up time, I'd better admit that I sometimes say things which might be - in these modern times - racist or even bigoted. What I am not is mealy-mouthed about it.


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