Saturday, 16 July 2005

Sun worship

Thanks to Charles Russell, his heirs and successors and any copywright holder for this painting which - I think - well illustrates the theme of sun worship. After the past seven days we have been well served by Ra. One might even say Ra Ra. Whilst this part of Scotland really is Bonny at this time of the year, everything looks so much nicer when shimmering in a heat haze. The horrible oily acid-yellow sheen from the rape has gone, there is not too much plastic growing in the fields and the cereals are a lovely gold. Now is the time to haunt the farm shops looking for the best of the vegetables.
Who knows - maybe even the farmers will be a little bit happy despite the rumours of hard times ahead. The talk of hill farmers being heavily pressed is bad news. They are the guys who really know how to bully the land into production through the jaws of the sheep. If they go, we will be left with large swathes of the land doing nothing. Dept. for the Eradication of Farming Anywhere seem to think the hills will be taken over by vast queues of black, Asian and multi-ethnic people fighting to roam at will, so, that will be another concept of the wonders of multi-racial Britain down and round the pan.
Don't know about you dear Reader, but the world seems dull after the media overload of last week. We were being - sorry about this - bombarded from all sides with news that was horrible in content but almost unique to us here on our "precious stone set in the silver sea, this sceptered isle". It started to have a fascination all it's own when many were shown what goes on in some of the darker spots behind curtains drawn all day and night. Slightly less precious I think although, thank the Lord, still sceptered. For a while, even the unlikely happenings in the soap-operas seemed normal run of the mill events. It is sobering to think that in a number of places around the world, actions such as the attacks on our transport system are quite commonplace, everyday events.

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