Sunday, 26 February 2006

HOW many millions?

That Tonbridge raid seems to have re-awakened the general publics' fascination with rogues, dodgy geezers and 'faces' from the days of The Sweeney. I do not think today's likely lads will end up with the advice "You're nicked my son" as the half-nelson is applied following the obligatory chase over what looked like a World War II bombsite. There has been a bit too much 'The Krays only hurt their own sort and, anyway, were kind to old ladies" apologia for widespread admiration of a good job well done. The police are making much of the trauma that the family - including a young kid - sustained. They do not want to encourage others to have a go at what is a fairly easy target. It does look as if the gang were not as well advised as they might have been. Taking easily-identified readies took up time in the depot that could have been put to better use and having to abandon it just opens up further forensic avenues for the fuzz. Even I have dropped the argot - fuzz and not The Filth!

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