Since I was cruelly fouled by the morons of TalkTalk, the readership of this blog has not recovered from my unwonted absence. Here is my attempt to get things going again by baiting the trap. Anything from now on that has the word Spiders as part of the title can be ignored by the reader of this page.
Google, Yahoo, O2, BT. Dailt Telegraph. Times. Graunidad. Dark skinned temptress.
Shut that door. Graham Norton. Motor bike with one exhaust. Duncan Norvelle. Chase me. Kenneth Williams. Sandy and this is my friend Julian.
Ladies with large chests. Lesbians with moustaches. Snoggi knickers. Soggy knickers. Huntley. Carr. Dr Shipman. Village people. Queer Queen. Straight or GLTBT.
That is about enough of that for now I think. Making me feel quesy.
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