Saturday, 17 March 2007

Getting it right

"Life on Mars" is a TV show based on the premise that a 2006 generation detective is transported back to a CID office in 1970. This article sets out to reason why this format is so popular and I think he hits the nail on the head. His starting point that the 'old' CID officer got results that would not be achieved by today's copper is very valid. It was the way in which this success rate was achieved that led to the old rules governing questioning of suspects was changed to something where any suspect has all the best cards.

The series has an added attraction for me in that I lived as a detective in those times and thoroughly enjoyed them. We worked hard - very damned hard at times - and played hard. Gallows humour was a major feature and must have reduced any threat of work-induced stress. The especial detectives argot of those days was like the origins of Cockney rhyming slang designed to exclude those not part of the team. There is no mention in the cast list to show who was the police advisor; I can understand his reticence.

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