Friday, 16 March 2007

Unlawful killing

I suppose in the scheme of things as they are right now in America, George Dubya would regard censure of his Government in little olde Ingerland to be no great problem. A pair of his National Guard pilots were out patrolling the range when they spotted some Army vehicles below them. They talked themselves into a certaintity that these were fair targets and gave them a dusting. A British NCO was killed. The information the flyers got from their base were not very clear.

It was when it came to the Inquest that things started to go wrong. The MoD swore black was white that they had no information but had to back-track when someone leaked a very clear cockpit video. The Coroner asked for the airmen to be made available and that was denied. He asked for a transcript of the US inquiry and parts of that were denied.

Of course, during all this the snivelling idle and useless PM did nothing to raise the matter with his good ole buddy George.

Not the brightest moment in the Coalition history.

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