Monday, 10 October 2005

Berufstätige Frau

I have been watching with interest the outcome of the German elections. Seems to me that what they have got is a bit of a curates egg. Both major parties said in the run up to election just what they would do if elected. Now, hardly any of their promises will be kept as both sides will have to compromise now that they are trying to work in harness. It could easily degenerate into a Punch & Judy show.
I had expected to see more inventiveness. They could have put the Chancellor contenders to a real test of performance. Instal one in the old Eastern zone and the other in what used to be the Western. Whoever achieved the best results in, say, nine months gets the job as overall Boss. Best could be decided in percentage terms of - say - reducing unemployment, lifting GDP and other markers of German efficiency.
I am available as a consultant.

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