Wednesday, 3 May 2006

Close-up and confidential

I see from the Times that there will be not one but two inquiries into the sort of perks the DPM enjoyed whilst going about his official business. We've heard about his Bill Clinton moment whilst he was Going Through His Boxes (will that ever achieve the same status as "Uganda Discussions" did through Private Eye's boosting). I find it ironic that the inquiry will focus on abuse of the government car service. Rather like Al Capone being done for tax offences rather than his Italian connections. Abuse of a civil servant investigation is obviously ruled out as she was so obviously, as they say, "Up for It"

However, there is obviously tremendous faith somewhere as to integrity of the investigators who in one case will only have to slip along to the next-door office to interrogate the man himself. Still, might be an opportunity for someone to get a honour or two without having to donate.

Wonder why they did not ask the paratroopers to carry out the Bloody Sunday inquiry? The Met could have done the Stephen Lawrence job.

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