Friday, 17 November 2006

Petition the man

I don't know how many of my readers in UK declared themselves as Jedi during the last census but it was enough to make Jedi the fourth offficial religion. That all started from a single e-mail. Who knows what games we will be able to play in the next Gubment exercise at poking their noses in?

In the meantime, there is just one opening for us to get into their systems. B. Liar introduced an instant petition website where anyone can initiate a subject, write the terms and then solicit support by email. Part of the E-Government idea. Just now, there is one running which suggests that POTUK go right now. Of course, as it is a Government project, it has to have failures. I suspect that the failure here is that disloyal thoughts may be expressed by the hoi poloi.

So, good people, I'm offering a year's free reading of this blog to those who sign the petition now. Go Go Go

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