Monday, 20 June 2005

Ain't half hot Mum

The warm weather of the week-end will doubtless be described as a "killer heatwave" in the media. I thought I'd have a look through my scrapbook for some really hot weather. This was Bahrain fish-market in, about, 1966. Temperature would have been somewhere about 105 degrees with something like 99% humidity. This temperature would have gone higher as it got to 3 or 4 p.m. There was quite a bit of air-conditioning but most of our time was spent in the open air - down at the beach in the afternoon luckily. There was a system with the military where when it was deemed too hot, a Jolly Roger was hoisted and all military activities were suspended. There was very little temperature drop at night as everything was full of retained heat. Our flat had air-conditioning in the bedrooms. The electrical distribution was frequently overloaded and the conditioning units ceased to blow cold. Many Europeans failed to get adjusted to the heat and humidity but we were OK. We found that one of the solutions was to over-fill with water at breakfast and then again at lunch. This was far better than trying to re-hydrate during the day. Still, we lived through it.

Quite pleased with this image after nearly 40 years but then, it was a Leica that caught it.


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